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Showing posts from April, 2013

About Blooming Time

Glimpse of sunshine For those of you who don't live in Minnesota, small chat about the weather is always a valid topic of conversation.  I have lived in Minnesota most of my life, and I have to stay this is the longest winter I can possibly remember.  Today is Earth Day, and we got a couple of inches of snow.  Looking back on my childhood, I remember planting trees or cleaning a park on Earth Day.  Mother Nature, I think we need to have (as my mother would call it) an "attitude adjustment." I've been pretty good not to complain about it though.  There have been plenty of distractions for me lately as our wedding is 4 weeks away.  My sincerest apologies for the lack of posts. I have a long list of things I have been meaning to post about, but my free hours seem to be spent with work and wedding stuff.  Thanks for sticking around to see me through this crazy time.  Even though I will be sad when the wedding is over, I will be happy to go back ...